Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nice and Clean

She's been playing this game by herself, taking out the sanitizer from the diaper bag.  It took us awhile to get what she was doing! Sometimes she puts it back away when she is finished.  I didn't think we used it that often, but I guess enough for her to get the gist :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

12 month check up

Everything looking perfect. She reached for the doctor to hold her and thought she was very funny :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Jenny's Visit Etc.

 She insisted on the hat...
 And on climbing after she saw her dad do it...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

We realize it's been awhile since we've updated (especially with videos) so here are a few video's for your viewing pleasure.

Malana just learned to walk this week so here are a few video's of her learning and finally walking.
 We found this walker by the side of the road in Rochester and it really helped Malana take her first steps. Plus it's her favorite toy now! (Meg and Malana insisted we take it even though i didn't want to lug it on the plane.)

For awhile Malana decided "knee walking" was easier than walking on her feet. (I realize this is mostly knee dancing but I didn't have a better video.)

Then she wanted to hold our hands and walk.


On monday she just decided she was gonna walk on her own! (yes we've noticed that Malana is really into looking at herself in the mirror)

Oh and just for my sister here is Malana brushing her teeth :)

Malana likes kitties (thanks for the zoo membership grandma!)

Your probably sick of watching our videos now but I like this one of Malana signing "all done" because she hates car seats